Living in gratitude

I am so grateful for the people I have in my life that I am able to talk to
on levels other than the ordinary.

I know so many people who merely live and exist in the everyday, that when I
come across one or two who see the deeper meaning there is to our everyday
existence I want to cherish them as one would a rare and precious gem. They
are the ones that make life worth living. I thank my creator constantly for
the honor that has been bestowed on me, for the privilege of knowing them.

The people who live in pain and hate and don't know why, leave me with a
sadness that is impossible to put into the words the reader will need to
understand me. The sense off waste and loss is so immense that words fail
as medium of expression. To look upon such persons and not feel sad for the
lack of depth and understanding that could make them whole is an

And yet I can't drag them kicking and screaming to where they will see the
light. To do so will undermine their free will and process of learning. As
I was allowed to grow naturally, they must be allowed to grow, reaching that
point naturally. I would never have listened, let alone see the point of
view I now hold, had I been forced into it. The thought that someone else
was trying to impose such a strange and alien viewpoint on me would have
left me angry and resentful.

What am I to do then ? Do I let them be, accepting the mindset with the
person and not say anything ?

Or do I try and write for those who have felt the stirring within their
own souls, the ones who will listen and read with an open mind ?

Yes, that is all I can do, all I am capable of. I can only try and show
people the meaning, but then I have to stand back and let the change come
for them, in its own good time...



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